WesternBright Quantum HRP substrate ® Advansta
WesternBright Quantum HRP substrate
Quantitative chemiluminescent Western blotting
WesternBright® Quantum® chemiluminescent substrate sets the bar for sensitivity and quantitative ability. Specially developed for CCD imaging, WesternBright Quantum produces a strong, long-lasting signal with extremely low background, perfect for detecting low abundance proteins. Since it does not exhibit substrate depletion at high protein loads, WesternBright Quantum provides the largest dynamic range of any chemiluminescent substrate for the most quantitative chemiluminescent Western experiments.
WesternBright Quantum exhibits high sensitivity with the greatest linear range
• Sensitive – detect attomoles of protein per band
• Quantitative – linear range of signal with respect to protein amount exceeds 3 orders of magnitude
• Versatile – Optimized for CCD imaging, and compatible with film detection. Chemifluorescent emissions can be detected with fluorescence imaging systems
• Low background – for high signal to noise ratio
• Long lasting signal – image blots hours after substrate incubation
News & Events
"We really like the Quantum kit. We use it instead of the ECL Plus kit because the signal lasts longer and doesn't burn out as frequently."
- Assistant Research Professor, Ohio State University
"We love the Quantum. In our hands I'd say it's 2-5x better than ECL Prime."
- Associate Professor, University of Iowa
"Advansta Quantum gives a linear signal that is essential for protein quantification."
- Research Scientist, Ohio State University
Product brochureWestern Bright Quantum _Brochure |
Application Note
Advansta step by step guide to western blots |
User Manual _ WesternBright Quantum Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate |
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