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Pippin系列全自动DNA片段回收仪在small RNA和ChiP-seq文库制备中的应用


二代测序(NGS)以其无与伦比的高测序精度和高通量优势,广泛应用于各个生物学研究领域,包括全基因组测序、全外显子测序、目标区域测序、mRNA测序、small RNA测序、Lnc RNA测序、circle RNA测序、单细胞测序、Chip测序、甲基化测序等。



基于上述背景,为帮助研究人员实现DNA片段精准回收,美国Sage Science公司提供以Blue Pippin为代表的一系列全自动DNA片段回收产品,其优秀的性能表现,得到全球超过3000家客户的认可,国内装机数量400台左右,同时多达2万篇应用文献,包括众多Nature、Science、Cell系列等一线主刊的文章,现已成为DNA片段筛选回收领域的行业金标准。

Blue Pippin可以精准回收小到几十至几百bp(二代测序应用),大到几十kb的片段(三代测序应用)。研究人员只需要在软件中输入回收范围的bp值,仪器自动精准的回收目标DNA片段。

鉴于二代测序文库种类众多,我们将分数期介绍Pippin系列产品在不同文库构建中的应用,本期我们先介绍其在small RNA和chip seq测序建库中的应用。

Small RNA文库测序

Small RNA是一类长约20~30个核苷酸的非编码RNA分子,包含miRNA 、siRNA和piRNA等,是一大类调控分子,几乎存在于所有的生物体中。因此如何准确回收small DNA,减少其他非目标DNA就成为实验的关键因素。small RNA文库加上adapter接头后其长度一般在140-150bp左右,前后存在大量杂带,用Blue Pippin系列产品可以精准回收相关片段,将杂带彻底去除干净,有效提高测序质量和效率。(图1)

图1 某研究中small RNA回收效果比较


1 Mayo-Muñoz, David, et al. "Type III CRISPR-Cas provides resistance against nucleus-forming jumbo phages via abortive infection." Molecular cell 82.23 (2022): 4471-4486.
2 Lee, Min Young, et al. "Distinct profiles of cell-free microRNAs in plasma of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder." Journal of Clinical Medicine 8.7 (2019): 963.
3 Emilie Cardona, E., et al. "Circulating miRNA diversity, origin and response to changing metabolic and reproductive states, new insights from the rainbow trout." bioRxiv (2021): 2021-04. 
4 Dinh, Phuong-Uyen C., et al. "Inhalation of lung spheroid cell secretome and exosomes promotes lung repair in pulmonary fibrosis." Nature communications 11.1 (2020): 1064.
5 Toden, Shusuke, et al. "Cancer stem cell–associated miRNAs serve as prognostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer." JCI insight 4.6 (2019).
6 Mills, Mary Katherine, et al. "microRNA Expression Dynamics in Culicoides sonorensis Biting Midges Following Blood-Feeding." Insects 14.7 (2023): 611.
7 Anastasakis, Dimitrios G., et al. "A non-radioactive, improved PAR-CLIP and small RNA cDNA library preparation protocol." Nucleic Acids Research 49.8 (2021): e45-e45.
8 Hamilton, Matthew, et al. "Assessing spermatozoal small ribonucleic acids and their relationship to blastocyst development in idiopathic infertile males." Scientific Reports 12.1 (2022): 20010.






1 Wilbanks, Elizabeth G., et al. "A workflow for genome-wide mapping of archaeal transcription factors with ChIP-seq." Nucleic acids research 40.10 (2012): e74-e74.
2 Tao, Fang, et al. "An optimized chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol using Staph-seq for analyzing genome-wide protein-DNA interactions." STAR protocols 3.4 (2022): 101918.
3 Fitz, Nicholas F., et al. "Genome-wide alteration of histone methylation profiles associated with cognitive changes in response to developmental arsenic exposure in mice." Toxicology Reports 9 (2022): 393-403. 
4 Li, Yichao, et al. "Differential gene expression identifies a transcriptional regulatory network involving ER-alpha and PITX1 in invasive epithelial ovarian cancer." BMC cancer 21.1 (2021): 1-18.
5 Hogg, Simon J., et al. "Distinct modulation of IFNγ-induced transcription by BET bromodomain and catalytic P300/CBP inhibition in breast cancer." Clinical Epigenetics 14.1 (2022): 1-15. 
6 Papale, Ligia A., et al. "Gene by environment interaction mouse model reveals a functional role for 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in neurodevelopmental disorders." Genome Research 32.2 (2022): 266-279.
7 Abraham, Brian J., et al. "Small genomic insertions form enhancers that misregulate oncogenes." Nature communications 8.1 (2017): 14385.


环亚生物科技有限公司作为美国Sage Science公司DNA片段回收系列产品在中国区的独家代理商,自2011年以来将Sage Science的产品线引入国内,一直为国内用户提供专业的全自动核酸片段回收系统的安装测试、应用培训,技术支持与售后维护工作,赢得客户的一致好评与信任。环亚生物科技有限公司将一如既往地支持越来越多的Sage Science用户。

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